Yes, you absolutely can freeze butter. In fact, with proper storage, unsalted butter can be stored up to five months and salted butter can be stored up to nine months. For more detailed information, we invite you to visit Oven Via.
Small amounts of trans fat are naturally occurring in some dairy products, including butter. Butterball® Butter products contain less than 0.5g per 14g serving.
Butter is considered to be safe for individuals with Gluten sensitivity.
Yes. We have hundreds of flavor profiles that have been created and tested and can modify any one of those or start from scratch. Our food scientists work with your chef to create the desired flavor impact and product performance. We can develop a design or flavor customized to your specifications, and we would love to discuss what we can do for you.
The name Butterball was originally registered on June 11, 1940, by Ada Walker of Wyoming, Ohio. Leo Peters purchased the trademark in February 1951. Leo Peters licensed the name to Swift and Co. for 10 years before selling it in the 1960s. Peters sold the name “Butterball” to Swift, which was acquired by ConAgra in 1990.
Mark Peters, Leo’s son, is now CEO of Butterball® Farms, Inc.
1.888.8Butter (888.828.8837) | Email Us | 1435 Buchanan Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI, 49507
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Privacy Notice | © Butterball® Farms, Inc. 2025