Most in the prepared meals business understand its value in promoting flavor. Yet some may not be aware that by combining it with other ingredients a food manufacturer can add extra value to their frozen or refrigerated product efficiently. We’re talking about butter.
Butter’s fat content carries fat-soluble flavors, helping herbs, spices, and aromatics release their full potential. It also elicits subtleumami notes. This savory fifth taste rounds out dishes and creates a depth that makes food more satisfying.
When butter meets heat, culinary alchemy happens. The Maillard reaction, a chemical process that occurs when amino acids and sugars react at high temperatures, creates golden-brown crusts and complex flavors.

Butterball® Farms has been leveraging these attributes for food manufactures and prepared meal companies for six decades with a value-added twist. Crafting customized sauces or flavored butter dollops to impart flavor at scale and in forms fitting a manufacturer’s process that adds efficiency.

Butterball Farms started with a passion for crafting premium, high-quality butter, earning a reputation for excellence in flavor and innovation. Over the years, they have expanded far beyond butter to meet the evolving needs of our customers.
The company’s R&D team has customized hundreds of solutions ranging from gravy dollops that melt atop frozen proteins or mashed potatoes, to garlic herb dollops for chicken to globally inspired flavored sauces. “Prepared meal companies may need us to follow their established flavor profile and process while some look to us to create something we craft based on their product concept,” says Lucia Falek, the company’s Director of Research & Development.

Butterball Farms off-loads the costly and time-consuming tasks of creating sauces in-house and adds the expertise of a partner whose specialty is producing flavor solutions in multiple forms. The opportunities for innovation are endless.
This marriage of innovative flavors and easy process alignment are likewise endless, such as flow wraps for flavored dollops that individually wraps each dollop to enable their placement atop proteins in the manufacturing process. Individually wrapped dollops can be used if the manufacture doesn’t want the dollops to come into contact with the food until it is ready to be heated.
The company publishes an annual Flavor Trends Guide that shares the latest insights and new flavor pairings, like this year’s new flavor combinations for proteins seen below.

“We are a trusted partner for so many great food brands,” explains Kathryn Kunst, the company’s Marketing Manager. “We invite any company wanting to elevate their flavors efficiently to contact our customer representatives and share your challenge that we can help overcome.”