ButterBall Farms Inc.

Quik-Creations® Brown Butter Sauce Recipe

If there’s ever a season that creative chefs are looking for quick yet savory holiday dishes, it’s the month of December. Our Quik-Creations® Butter Sauce Bases are the perfect choice for your menu staples, as well as when experimenting with special holiday features. 

This month’s recipe is perfect for pouring over pumpkin ravioli, mashed potatoes or cornbread stuffing. 

¼ cup Quik-Creations® All-Natural Butter Sauce 

1 cup heavy cream 

½ cup grated parmesan cheese 

tbsp chopped sage 

tbsp chopped fresh parsley 

½ teaspoon salt 

¼ teaspoon black pepper 


 Melt butter in a large skillet heated on medium heat. Continue to cook the butter until it becomes a goldenbrown color, about 5-8 minutes. Add cream and sage and simmer for one minute.  Add parmesan, salt, pepper and parsley.  Simmer for another minute 

 Pour warm sauce over pasta, stuffing, potatoes, etc. 

 Yield: 4-6 servings 

 Order a Quik-Creations® Butter Sauce free sample here.

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