ButterBall Farms Inc.

Here’s How This Year Can Be Your Best Year in Catering

The catering business in the U.S. is a $10.8B* industry. Yet, projections are calling for a -2.6%* downturn compared to last year. Smart marketing, labor-saving shortcuts, and 4 simple tips can make it your best year ever. Ready to know more?

1. Improve Your Margins Per Event

There are two basic costs that affect your profit margin – labor and food costs. Industry-wide data shows your expected labor costs should be between $1,280 and $1,360* for an event that grosses $8,000. Finding shortcuts in both serving staff and kitchen prep can lower your costs and change the overall profit margin from 7–9% to up to 25%*.

Butter sauce shortcuts are save steps and labor.
Butter sauce shortcuts are save steps and labor. 

Two quick examples are the time to prepare sauces for entrees, soups, and desserts. Do you pay staff to make homemade sauces that may separate if heated too long, or would you rather use a prepared butter sauce that microwaves in a few minutes? Butterball® Farms is your solution. Quik-Creations® Butter Sauce Bases are a speed-scratch way to trim time and cut labor costs. In addition, we also offer a garlic with roasted parmesan flavored butter tubs that contains all ingredients pre-mixed to flavor items like bread, pasta, chicken or steak. Available now at your local distributor.

LB altPremium Butter Sauce Front Base-02 Large

2. The Power of Personalization

Work with your team and suppliers to imagine unique touches that tell your guests you thought of everything. From floral arrangements to signage and table service, look for easy elements of distinction. Set yourself apart and make these distinct offerings part of your “premium” table service package to boost profits. 

Butterball Farms shaped butters are an easy way to reflect your attention to detail.
Butterball Farms shaped butters are an easy way to reflect your attention to detail.

For example, Butterball Farms shaped butters are an easy way to reflect your attention to detail for everything from bread stations, table settings or even charcuterie. There are a variety of shapes to choose from, including elegant roses, sophisticated medallions and traditional butter balls. Our shaped butter is available through your local distributor or request a free sample today !

3. Increase Testimonials from Happy Customers On Your Social Channels

Testimonials build trust and credibility for your catering operation. Have a systematic way of capturing customer feedback for use on your website and social media channels. Videos offer the best engagement with brief testimonials from real customers. Text and great photos of their special event work as well.  Create fun hashtags to make the event Instagramable. 

Prioritize making your dishes look irresistible for photos and video, as well as the catering event itself to help spark those testimonials. A platter of food that looks scrumptious sells itself by stimulating the senses. Ask happy customers to tell others on their social channels and provide an opportunity for them to post to your website or social media. The more testimonials the more profitable you will be.

4. Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Two terms you should embrace if you want to grow your leads for potential customers. SEO costs you nothing, so there is maximum ROI. The effort is to align key words on your website with the words in search of a caterer on Google. To do so, you’ll need to sign up for Google Ads (at no cost). There you can try various word combinations to add or reinforce on your own website to improve your ranking on Google. About 80% of those using the Google browser make their buying decision on the first page of their search. SEM requires you to pay Google to appear on that important first page and you do that within the Google Ads exchange.

*IBISWorldwide, 2023